Chasing Scaredy Away

Chasing Scaredy Away, No More Fraidy of the Dark.

Child Fear
Overcoming Child Fear including pretend things like, the dark, ghost and monsters can be accomplished by addressing the fears through positive book readings and continued discussions with the child.
If the child is afraid or stressed, take them seriously and let them tell you more about their fears. No fear is silly, no fear has ever been conquered by saying, “Just be brave.” Learning to overcome fear is always achieved quicker with a supportive parent.
Let the child know that it is normal to fear and a solution is available. Here are a few suggestions of comfort to share with the child:
• “When I was little, I was afraid too, but my mother told me to turn on a light”,
• Put a nightlight in your child’s room. “I’ll leave the nightlight on.”
• “Sprinkle pixie dust (water and glitter) in the bedroom (to help good children play)”,
• Ask the child if Mommy should be scared too, and what should she do to not be scared?
• “When fear knocks on your door, let faith answer, and nothing will be there,” pray with the child,
• “It’s OK to be afraid. But you’ll get through this and I will help,”

Reading story books that overcome fear is a third party approach the child can use to grow out of their specific fear.

Positive words from you go a long way in helping your child overcome fears, remember to cheer at each suppressed fear.
You cannot force a child to overcome fear. However, just talking about a fear can help your child move past it.
Let your child know that you take their fears seriously. Help your child overcome their fears of the dark, thunderstorms and imagined monsters by encouraging them to talk about their feelings. Tell your child facts, giving them the opportunity to confront their fears at their own pace and with your support. Reassure them that they are safe.

The post Chasing Scaredy Away appeared first on Dr. Qooz.


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