Reading to Children

Reading to children expands their understanding of the world and stimulates their imagination.

Reading books aloud helps them develop listening skills, language and prepares them to understand written words. After children learn to read by themselves, it’s is important for parents to continue to read aloud with the Grandparent Reading to Grandchildrenchild. Reading children always excel over non-readers.
A 30 year study provides data that a child that is read to from children’s books will outperform all of their classmates (that were not read to as children) scholastically in school, college and the workplace. This study documents that a child’s reading skills are important to their success in work and school. Reading to children can be an imaginative and fun activity for children. This reading experience opens doors to creativity, imagination and exploration of time, and space! Before children can read they benefit from listening and watching you to read aloud. During children’s first years, they are able to learn reading concepts and basic language primarily through picture books. The earlier children read to, the easier it is for them to expand their readings skills and vocabulary.

There are only two efficient ways to get words into a person’s brain: either by seeing them or by hearing them.

By reading aloud we build the child’s vocabulary, condition the brain to associate reading with pleasure, create background knowledge, and plant the desire to read.
The Trelease observation of 30 years concluded that reading is the heart of education. It was found that the cheapest tutoring plan for children regarding their education was reliant upon the parents. This plan does not include bribing school officials or colleges. This plan allows for any budget to cover children’s advanced education.
In 2002, of 400,000 students taking the ACT exam, 58 students received a perfect score of 36. The last student to receive this score did not receive a $300-$500 an hour tutoring of the Kaplan Plan or the Princeton Review course, but instead these parents invested in a free course for the child long before higher education was in mind.
The parents chose the free plan that can be afforded by every parent no matter where they live on the planet. The child spends 900 hours a year at school and 7800 hours outside of school. So it makes sense that the “special tutoring” be held at home.
Reading and language skills begin to develop right from the start. Research has identified several benefits of early reading to children skills that are essential to learning and life:
1. Emotional benefits, bonding of the family,
2. Cognitive benefits of knowledge and understanding,
3. Phonemic awareness, being able to identify, hear individual sounds in spoken words,
4. Phonics, being able to connect the sounds of spoken letters with the written language .
5. Reading Comprehension, able to get meaning and understand what has been read,
6. Fluency being able to read words quickly and accurately.

Why are students failing and dropping out of school? Because they cannot read well enough to do the assigned work which affects the entire report card. Change the reading scores and you change the graduation rates. Up to 82% of failures in the social climate are illiterate or semi-illiterate. 75% of freshmen in community colleges need remedial help in reading, writing or math.
The special tutoring plan is so simple that most parents will over-look their free scholarship to college for their child…
Here is the free course that guarantees your child’s chance at college, advancement in work and more successes in Life:

The parents read to the child 30 minutes a night,

year after year, even after the child learns how to read. (Continue until age 12 for even better results.)
As a side benefit, adults read to children, children will read to their children passing along the literary torch. Remember your child’s life will be influenced by 2 things: the books they read and people they meet. Give them a great head start with CHILDREN’s BOOKS!

The post Reading to Children appeared first on Dr. Qooz.


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