Why should children start reading?

Children should start reading because…

A child’s brain develops quicker when they are younger,

Reading develops literacy skills and comprehension that is a huge advantage to every child for the rest of their life.

As a child learns to communicate and are exposed to books for the first time, they’re already reaching key child development milestones for social interactions and reading.

The younger the child the easier it is to pick up basic language skills by understanding of grammar and building their vocabulary.

These two skills the children build rapidly are considered by researchers to be one of the most impressive cognitive feats that the brain performs.

Reading children master the basics of their language and continue to learn about 5,000 new words per year.

Books strengthen the familiarity of literacy and Oral language making the child integrate comprehensive thoughts and better communicate. These primary skills allow the child to better understand directions, instructions and work directives as they grow or enter the work force.

Why should children start reading? That is easy to answer. We have an epidemic in our society today. The pandemic is waning, leaving a bigger scar than before with the same epidemic.

What epidemic you say! I never heard of such. The epidemic is seldom discussed, rarely battled and there is no vaccine for it:

“1 out of every 4 high school graduates, CAN”T read well enough to hold down a job.”

This disastrous epidemic has infected every family, large or small throughout the entire United States. Most children give up in the fourth or fifth grade to ever catch up or even trying to learn to master reading after the class leaves them behind.

As a result this child WILL NOT be able to hold down a substantial job that they will need for the rest of their life to support their family because they cannot read.

  1. There are many reasons why the child’s stops learning to read. First and foremost, “To a child, reading a book without pictures is like riding a bike blindfolded.” Dr. Qooz There is a remedy to breaching the chasm from pictures in a book to plain text.
  2. The second reason the child loses interest in reading could be that they cannot see, and they do not know how to tell you that they cannot see! One out of five children have a learning or attention disability because they cannot see very well. Have your child’s vision checked now. Picture storybooks are the precursor motivation for children to start reading on their own, as they will begin to associate the pictures with the words on the page.
  3. The third reason is the child could have a disability that you don’t recognize. Dyslexia is a language-based learning challenge that involves difficulty in reading due to the problems identifying speech sounds and how they relate to letters words and numbers. One out of 10 students reached junior high before it is recognized that they need help. 70 million of their parents have dyslexia also. This learning issue is easily addressed with appropriate teaching and professional care.

There is a free solution to this epidemic*! 30 years of research has shown that a parent or grandparent that reads aloud to their children 10 minutes a night will produce a child in the top 5 percent of any class/college or job they pursue.

Sounds simple enough… It’s a small price to pay for your child’s success. This scheduled event will improve your relationship with the child and their reading skills will soar because of their ability to hear the words, see the words, in the comfort of your presence so they can ask about the words they don’t understand.

The reason why children should start reading, is because reading will affect their whole life from this point forward.

“Children are our national treasure, all of our future is in their imagination building our tomorrows.” Help the to read! If you can’t be there every night, record a book for them that they can see and hear now and for their children. Legacytoo.com

*Reading Aloud Handbook, Jim Trelease

The post Why should children start reading? appeared first on Children's Books by Dr. Qooz.


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